Thumbnail z m2ts?


New member
Czy można jakoś zrobic pod Windowse żeby wyswietlały sie thumbnaile z plików m2ts??
Ewentualnie jakis program do katalogowania z taka funkcja (chodzi o cos takiego jak w HD Writter w funkcji easy edit)


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z gogla:

Enabling AVCHD MTS/M2T/M2TS Video File Thumbnails in Explorer


Assuming you have a codec installed that allows you to view AVCHD files in Windows Media Player (such as CoreAVC), here’s how you can get those videos’ thumbnails into the Explorer thumbnail view. I wholly admit I stole this info from some forum somewhere, but most of my searches turned up some lamer’s warning about using regedit, and a refusal to post the fix because of it. So I’m going to post it again in a concise article.
Don’t freak out. Regedit isn’t that damaging. In fact in the 12+ years I’ve been working with Windows, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a computer explode due to a change in regedit, especially when you follow directions.
Anyhow, open Notepad and copy in the following:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Save this as "AVCHD Thumbnails.reg" and run it. Accept the merge. You may or may not need to reboot to apply the change. Hit F5 in your Explorer window to check.


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tak na marginesie to akurat mogloby byc gdzies przyklejone bo thumby z m2t w windzie przydaja sie jak malo co...


New member
Hmmm ... mam Vistę 64-bit Home Premium. Po odpaleniu przygotowanego pliku reg miałem komunikat, że wpisy poprawnie zostały wprowadzone do rejestru, jednak thumnails jak nie było tak nie ma ... :(
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