Pioneer Fuga


w sprzedaży ma być od maja 2009.
Może więcej się dowiemy na konferencji w Vegas od 7.01.2009 oraz na pokazach w Holandii.
Więcej szczegółów jest też TU:

Fuga to rewulucyjny system w poprowie słabej jakości sygnału. To system który wiernie ma odtwarzć czystość kolorów. Ma zawierać też elementy ułatwiające kalibrację obrazu na dzień i na noc. Rewolucyjna szybkość procesorów na rynku RTV pokazuje nie wyobrażalną jakość obliczeniową w telewizorach oraz nowe inteligentne algorytmy.
Inżynierowie po raz pierwszy prezentując płynność obrazu pokazują
brak judderingu. To niezwykłe osiagnięcie dla Pioneera.
Jest też korekcja obrazu w trakcie oglądania.

Shock waves rippled through the high-end AV community when Pioneer, famed for the quality of its Kuro TVs, announced that it was closing its plasma factories and buying panels from rival Panasonic instead. So would the brand’s current 9th generation models be the last to offer its trademark black levels and outstanding picture performance?
To categorically answer the question, Home Cinema Choice was invited into Pioneer’s Research & development facility within its Kawasaki HQ, in japan, for an exclusive demonstration of the latest picture processing technology developed by the Kuro engineers.
Codenamed Fuga, I was promised that it would take Pioneer picture performance to a whole new level...
Best picture processing ever
To demonstrate the Fuga picture processing advances, I was ushered into a room with two 9th gen Kuro screens: one as available in the UK now, the other lashed up to a prototype picture processing circuit board. Using A/B demonstrations each aspect of the picture processing tech would be revealed.
‘Our goal was the total optimisation of the video signal,’ explained Tatsuya Sugimoto, from Pioneer’s Display Product Planning Division (pictured left).
It’s envisaged that Fuga will ultimately provide the replacement circuit for PureDrive. With Pioneer’s current 9th generation screens, Pure Drive can be found in its 2HD iteration. Offering full digital image processing, plus a variety of intermediate analogue-to digital enhancements, it’s already widely regarded as some of the best picture processing in the business.
The first Fuga demonstration was gradation improvement. ‘Video contents sometimes lose detail because of a lack smoothness in the image,’ explained Sugimoto. ‘Our new technology has been designed to massively improve the smoothness of lower-quality video. While high-grade images pass through the circuit untouched, low-grade video is significantly enhanced.’
Demonstrations were predictably dramatic, and bode well for enhancing the picture performance of standard definition sources.
Colour reinvented
Next up for demo was revised colour circuitry. ‘Fuga can improve the colour saturation of specific hues in a picture; it is a very intelligent circuit,’ I was told. ‘Most TVs allow you to make colours more vivid, but our new technology can detect individual levels of colour saturation and automatically optimise them, with the aim of bringing out more detail.’
I found the effect of Pioneer’s new vibrancy circuit quite striking. Although elements of the image were boosted, the results didn’t seem over-emphasised or stressed. Instead the picture delivered by the prototype circuit board took on almost three-dimensional feel. There was sense of colour depth which was almost unnerving.
UK product specialist Jim Catcheside (pictured left) was keen to stress that the new circuitry doesn’t expand the colour gamut or boundaries of black, but finds new detail within the existing colour space.
Eliminating film judder has been a quest for TV makers for years now, with a number of solutions employed. And Pioneer is no different. So Fuga will offer a step beyond the brand’s current PureCinema 2-2 pull-down detection, offering smoother implementation of repeated fields.
Demonstrations of film pans from Toy Story and Lord of the Rings showed some pan-judder on the 9th gen screens, even in 1080p24 mode, but the stuttering was completely removed by the new picture processor. ‘The improvements come from increasing the vector analysing ability of the picture processor,’ explains Sugimoto-san. ‘The processor can handle far more complex calculations. The result feels much more like you are watching film.’
So far so good; Fuga was delivering on all counts. But Pioneer was saving the most remarkable and contentious aspect of its new picture processing wizardry till last: the ability to actually change the depth of field within a video image.
Not what the director intended
The Fuga analyser can scan moving images in real time, and make a judgement call about the perceived depth of the various elements which make up the picture. This means that the circuitry can decide to defocus parts of the background to give pre-eminence to elements in the foreground, just as you might shut the aperture down on a camera to create depth.
At first I was quite impressed by the depth this new type of picture processing gave to an image, but then the penny dropped. What this circuit can do is actually alter the vision and intent of a cinematographer, by changing the chosen focal plane of the composition. And it can do it with an accuracy that’s almost frightening.
When it was pointed out that this could potentially change the artistic vision of a feature film, the development team admitted that they were not sure yet how to utilise the feature. Indeed it quickly became clear that even the concept of the tech stimulated considerable debate amongst Pioneer’s development team.
While I was uncomfortable with the image-altering power of the feature, I concede that it might be desirable for general TV viewing or home-made movies. Ultimately, it remains to be seen quite what form this feature eventually comes to market in, but it stands as an astonishing example of the power within Pioneer’s next generation silicon.


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